Ministries >

Bus Ministry

Leaders: Bro. Barry and Sis.Lynn Moore

It has been a little bit since we have updated our bus department page and we can say this, wow, what a roller coaster of seasons we have had around here! In fact, I would be willing to guess that if you have a bus department at your home church, then you too have experienced what I am referring to.  The COVID 19 Pandemic has upset the apple cart for many of us.

July 16, 2006, was the first Sunday the bus department of Praise Temple Apostolic Church officially hit the city streets. And oh,what a day that was! We started out with one used little yellow bus with the bright blue top.  Our two drivers worked that route from one end of town to the other. Oh and, side to side too! Lol  Little boys and girls quickly filled those bus seats, then they told their friends, and before we knew it, we had to expand to a second vehicle. 

Most assuredly, major church outreach events such as mass door knocking, block parties, VBS, and easter egg hunts is what filled up our buses.  The congregation worked many, many hours to put all this together but it was definitely a labor of love. It is here that I am reminded of Galatians 6:9 where it reads, “And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Most recently, we came into a different season…the Pandemic hit on March 15, 2020.  Although that did set us back a bit, we have not given up! Fifteen years later in this ministry and there is still work to be done! Jesus will return soon and there are many children out there that probably don’t even know who Jesus is. We have got to reach them!  Just goes to show that a saint should never grow complacent or slack in working the Kingdom because things can change. Sometimes you must hit reset and get going again!  

If your home church is experiencing something like this, please don’t give up! You may see yourself working with new drivers, bus monitors, new routes, new children, and new parents. But put your hand to the plow and don’t look back. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 tells us to encourage one another…just as you are doing. 

We give all the glory and honor to Jesus! Amen.


Bro. & Sis. Moore