Our Services

We'd be honored to have you attend any of our scheduled services.

 Praise Temple Apostolic Church is one of many great churches around! 
So so many kids ranging from newborn -19! Kidzquest is offered to ages 3-10 I believe- every Wednesday during church time, they go to another area and have church of their own! While during preaching, our GAP class ( ages 11-13) go in another area! One Wednesday month they have fun night for Kidsquest in our family Life Center which has a indoor playground! They feed them and have fun activities and games! We bus kids and families as well! This is a big hit! 

Our youth class taught by my brother Chris Cook and his wife Kelsey Linn Cook - they do AMAZING with these youth kids! They do many fun activities and stay plenty involved with other rally’s, conventions, etc! Right now we’re planning for our camp coming up in May and our Camp Meeting with Bro. Kenny Carpenter in July! 
We’ve been in a revival for many months now where Pastor is casting vision and were prophesied tremendous growth so have staked the area we will expand our sanctuary! 

One Wednesday a month we offer “ table talk” on Wednesdays where adults go into the life center for food, fellowship, and a good lesson! While kids and youth host their own meeting up the hill! 
We also have prayer meetings every Saturday morning at 9am and often outreach afterwards. 

Ladies and men’s departments that meet once a month hosted by Amy Townsell and Willie are a HUGE hit! 

Our biggest PROUDEST achievements recently was opening a Private Christian School Apostolic Christian Academy of Madisonville!! Pastor Philip Cook and Cindi Cook had this vision and made it happen two years ago and it’s been such a blessing to our community- and Growing!! We’ll have to build a bigger school eventually! 

Music is great and a good mixture of both contemporary and some older “ revamped” hits to help reach all members of different background. I do the music myself, and am always looking for new talent and God-given anointing! 

Most importantly, the word of God is taught. And God shows up every single service. 
This town is blessed with so many amazing churches for you to choose from, and I hope you find what feels like home to you! ❤️ 
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! 

Sunday - 10 am and 6 pm 
Wednesday- 7 pm

If you need assistance at any time during the service, please talk with one of our ushers or with one of our hosts or hostesses.